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Lieutenant Charles DeRudio's saga

Lieutenant Charles DeRudio's saga

Italian rebel who tried to kill Napoleon III, escaped prison, enlisted in a colored unit and eventually became officer of the 7th cavalry at Little Bighorn... the incredible life of CHARLES DeRUDIO source: extract of Vincent A. Transano's article , published...

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CTW #2

CTW #2

CUSTER TRUTH WATCH report Custer Truth to custerwest.org Taking a Stand works Author of famous novel and movie "Dance with Wolves" shows his admiration for General Custer CUSTER DANCES WITH WOLVES Charlie Rose program, February 1997 source: George Gurley,...

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CTW #1

CTW #1

CUSTER TRUTH WATCH report Custer Truth to custerwest.org Taking a Stand works The two faces of George Armstrong Custer. (USA Today (Magazine), May 1st, 1994) Custer rides again: collector fascination with all things Custer shows no sign of slowing down....

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CDW #4

CDW #4

CUSTER DISINFORMATION WATCH report disinformation to custerwest.org Tracking down lies and hateful attacks on Custer's legacy Article on Little Bighorn for kids full of hatred against the USA and Custer TEACHING LIES AND HATRED TO KIDS source: Scholastic...

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CDW #3

CDW #3

CUSTER DISINFORMATION WATCH report disinformation to custerwest.org Tracking down lies and hateful attacks on Custer's legacy Numerous Trading Posts accept insulting T-Shirts on General Custer RADICAL T-SHIRTS These T-Shirts are all proposed to tourists...

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CDW #2

CDW #2

CUSTER DISINFORMATION WATCH report disinformation to custerwest.org Tracking down lies and hateful attacks on Custer's legacy South Dakota Governor Michael Rounds ready to kneel in front of radicals ATTACKING CUSTER STATE PARK UNITED NATIVES PETITION...

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Custer's heroes in the Civil War

Custer's heroes in the Civil War

Men of Custer's division who gained the Medal of Honor in the Shenandoah Valley, during the Civil War CUSTER'S HEROES Medal of Honor recipients : Hartwell B. Compson, Robert Niven, & Andrew Kuder, Charles Goheen, Daniel Kelly, Henry Bickford, James Congdon,...

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